Venus in Gemini – Retrograde Stations

April 4th, 2020, Venus will ingress into Gemini for its longest stint since 2012, thanks to the upcoming retrograde. Venus is usually in a sign for 1 month, this ingress will see Venus occupy the sign of Gemini for 4 months (April 4th– August 8th).

When Venus transits a sign, it brings its nature and adjusts to the environment or sign/topu/place, it’s transiting. Venus is a planet whose focus is on bringing people or things together, harmonizing, having fun and pleasure, as well as gaining materials, tools or moments to enhance life. Venus is the pleasure seeker. When Venus is stressed out, or in a sign that is not so supportive of her ways, this generally creates a bit of tension, frustration or alteration of her style and signature, sometime dramatically. However, in this instance, Venus in Gemini is without doubt one hell of a charmer!

Gemini, being an Air Sign whose focus is to divide, multiply, dissipate with mental agility and quick wits, gives Venus a mental boost. Venus is now acting with pace, quick thinking & doing, in her expressions. Perfect for groups and social connectivity, via technology (also a Gemini/Mercury signature). Technology has been so vital to our connectivity in the current Covid 19 climate. Ruled by Mercury, Gemini is inventive, but also flippant.  Venus, entering Gemini at such a time is interesting, considering how dependant we are on communications and being able to connect to each other. This gives our current situation a real lift, as we investigate new ways of being present in the world, while self- isolating (quite the Gemini duality).  Computer Technology and the Internet spaces being our new crutch to stay “normal” and connected to values and community. Venus in Gemini needs constant stimulation and sociability.  

Venus’s tour of Gemini could start off as a really positive or attractive transit. The main challenge to this transit, is confusion and frustration, with the Retrograde phase. This is when all the charm factors might fall-down or slip and we see a more dualistic or double edged side to our relationships. As Venus slows to create her Retrograde (13 May – 25 June) this slowing process will be extremely frustrating for a sign so used to quick pace; whose main focus is on its ability to constantly problem solve & its ability to quickly communicate or absorb lots of information. This slow down of Venus, could create some real drawbacks. Technological hitches or social unpleasantries. The issue of frustration, challenges to people’s mental health and emotional wellbeing, in our current Covid 19 climate, could also become more apparent during the actual retrograde.  This retrograde may also present a situation of Information overload.

Venus’ transit of Gemini presents the struggles with a usually fast-moving planet, slowing down and retrograding, like the Mercury Retrograde. In this instance,  re-evaluations, re-assessments and re-groupings of your relationships with others, is highlighted. I would expect to see a backlash or frustration with the need to continue to self-isolate, coming through via the internet & communication channels. Without the smoothest of graces or some social divisions presenting. Two faced people and disruption on the net, definitely! Perhaps even people deciding to get off the net, to create more solid relationships with themselves at home at the actual retrograde, as we reach peak information overload.

The need to really connect and be present with people, could well be where this Retrograde really warps out. Or the issue of mis-information and lack of social graces really shows who you do and don’t want to be involved with. Remembering Gemini’s not adverse to splitting off or creating dual systems and methods. Mercury during this retrograde, will give some support to Venus in Gemini, as it works its way out of the months of confusion created by its Pisces Retrograde earlier this year.  Mercury’s transit through, Aries, Taurus, Gemini and entering Cancer, will lend some assistance for Gemini style operations. The Nodal Shift into Gemini and Sagittarius in May will add more weight and pressure to what Venus is trying to achieve in Gemini at this time, personally and collectively.

Venus’s retrograde occur every 8 years, and it can be interesting to look back to those times to see what changed, was seeded, broke down, or was sparked. Venus in Gemini last transiting around the same point in your chart on 15 May 2012 – 28thJune 2012 & 17 May 2004 – 29 June 2004.

Venus’s retrograde, can be a bit shaky, they can be introverted, they can be times of change and redirection. Gemini having an intellectual and information bent to it, does lend it to a headier rather than emotional response to the qualities of Venus are trying to evolve, remembering that this is a process of change and introspection, around connection, information, communication and social settings and groups. Looking at the data and having a sharp eye on the information coming in will help you as you live out this timely transit, in extra-ordinary times.

Venus in Gemini through the Signs: 

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Changes to how you present to the world, your health & vitality may occur at the retrograde. How people interpret you, is also high on the agenda, as you navigate how your relationship and representation to others works and what it is founded on. Is it authentic & genuine? or do people have the wrong impression of you? Either way, you will have plenty of time to really pull it apart, with the end result being mutually beneficial for you and your presentation to the world. Sculpting your charm factor is exactly what this transit is calling out for.

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Venus in Gemini, will be re-configuring your most personal and private spaces, helping move or shift things deep within your personal secret’s realm. You could call it your inner psychology, spirituality or fears.   However, Venus is Gemini gives you the opportunity to really turn the soils over and help get a handle on things that are mostly left untouched. Venus gives a more supportive planetary influence, in comparison to other inner planets that could have been doing this retrograde. Venus will help reassess your relationships with and to your private and personal of spaces. Information will be presented to help with the processing, its vital intel, that is being unlocked. Don’t be afraid to use it.

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Leo’s have a reputation for being people’s people, entertainers, or just great people to have in the social sphere. As the retrograde is occurring literally in your most publicly seen social house, your participation and social relationships are under full examination this retrograde. Some of this is occurring in lockdown circumstances, adding a bit of a fruity twist. Remembering who your tribe is, and how you connect with them is under re-assessment. Social Relationships may increase or lessen over this retrograde. People or social groups from the past may comeback, to reconnect with. Why, how you represent in social settings is a bit warped at the moment, due to the retrograde AND the current pandemic setting, but it is still reforming. Technology could either help enormously or become hinderance at this time. All this is under-going an 8-year re-examination. Your social groups, communities or your social relationship’s as a whole, is being re-evaluated.  Don’t be surprised if old groups or contacts come out of the woodwork. Letting go of outdated social networks, also heavily part of this 4-month course. Out dated dreams and hopes, are also heavily under the microscope at this time.

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The Venus Retrogradation in fellow Mercury ruled sign Gemini, will be something you are more easily able to hook into, like the other Air Signs. However, as it is occurring at the highest point of your chart and in your reputation and career sector, this retrograde, might also be a bit slippery. Use your eye for detail to watch the patterns and identify situations as they change and evolve. Don’t take the confusion at the actual retrograde point at face value, as deeper things are at play. Do be honest & genuine to yourself about and relationships especially on the work front, or where your reputation is on the line. Use the retrograde for getting intel, from yourself and others. Its end-game, is to be in authentic and help develop supportive relationships where your Career and personal reputation is involved. Don’t be surprised if people from your past who in some way are connected to this pop back up. Discern if it’s to help let go of past obstacles, or to help develop future you.

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Venus’s Retrograde will see your ruler doing some interesting mind games around your life philosophies and your relationships to international landscapes. Gemini brings an added mental focus, to look into all available options. Also, a fellow Air sign, this will help restructure and bring new ideas and options to the table. Remembering it may not always be pleasant having your ruler feel like it’s working against your main wishes. It helps go back over and release things, which in turn helps lighten the philosophical or worldly load. People from overseas, or strong mentors/teachers might come back into your life. Your job is to work out if it’s to address past issues to release, or if it’s there to help you move positively and safely forwards. Potentially throwing you a wonderful and encouraging lifeline of support.

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Venus spending so much time in your Money and Resource sector might be draining, but it is also a genius time to audit and assess where your external money sources are at, and what your relationships to those resources are. Venus being a benefic is helpful, but scrutinizing and going with any insights at the actual Retrograde will be very helpful for future investments, even if you feel like you are going backwards. Any strong urges to splash out are to be resisted at this time, as you might regret it when Venus exits Gemini. Blending the grace of Venus and Mercurial acumen of Gemini, has the potential for some positive results. Venus retrograde, is where you untangle the threads, or people from your past many come to your assistance or inspiration.

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Venus’s retrograde in your house of relationships, will see a more traditional manifestation of this transit. Literally your connections to those you’re in one on one relationships with, is being re-evaluated. Connections of dots will become clearer to see, or its absence of connection also clear. Don’t be surprised if people you once had close relationships in your past also come back. This is to either to reconnect with or finish off for closure, take it case by case.  Reconnections and dis-entangling the web of one on one relationships will be where this retrograde energy is heavily focused over the next 4 months

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Your day to day routine, exercise, health and wellbeing, will be where this retrograde is occurring. Bright ideas, inspiration and re-assessments of this will be continuing to evolve and change. Don’t be put off, it this routine is disrupted or challenged. People from your past connected to such topics may come back during the retrograde to help you get closure or develop your relationship to these topics in some way. Venus is a benefic, she is a positive blessing. Any challenges or adjustments will end up being for your benefit, it’s all about the end game, and getting those daily routines sorted so they bring joy and happiness as you go about your day to day life.

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Having Venus, going retrograde in the house of her Joy, might be a little more deflating than you would initially expect. The upshot – is she will come out on top, by the end of the retrograde process. Venus will be, re-assessing, re-evaluating and pulling apart, your true loves, relationships with children and creative activities you usually go to for creative release.  Venus is looking to help create better relations between you and the above topics. Go with the insights and follow their threads. Valuable information is stored there. People from your past who are connected to these topics in some ways, old teachers, old flames, old childhood friends, old creative or physical passions may also pop up at this time. Helping assist with this period of cleansing and clearing.



Venus’s Retrograde in your house of Ancestors, Physical Home and Family, may see a little stress or strain around these areas of life. Pre and Post the retrograde, things may feel connected and ok, with moments of genius leaping out at you. It’s the actual retrograde, when these topics might become a bit more skewed. This whole time generally is a great time to get familiar with your ancestors /family or do some ancestor/family work, especially during the actual retrograde (if you’re that way inclined). Hot tip for the actual retrograde. Perhaps delay and home re-decorating or changes that are permanent. Why? Post Venus’s Retrograde, you might run the risk of changing your mind. Try and go for home décor changes, that can be easily reversed, after this Venus Retrograde season.  Changes of minds post retrogrades, it’s a thing.



Your day to day errands and life around your neighbourhood or daily life, might end up having a couple of curve balls thrown at it during the retrograde. Perhaps you are tired and bored of it and you might seek a joosh up of it all. Seeking new areas or new connections in areas that are familiar with you, might help create the small changes you are looking for. Relationships in your neighbourhood also might get a bit hairy at the retrograde. Exploring and re-connecting with any devotional activities around the home, would be great to explore. It could be any kind of activity as long as its purpose is to be devotional (to your body, your mind or your spirit). It could help create a lasting impact and harmonious connection to self and your immediate neighbourhood.

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Venus (your ruler) will be spending an extra-ordinarily long time in your money and self-worth sector. It will give you a nice boost, either side of the retrograde, and may allow for some positive developments and changes. One big thing is to watch what you purchase at the retrograde period, you may change your mind later, which is not great if it’s a big-ticket item. Changes to how you see yourself and your self-value will also be influx at the retrograde part of the cycle. Just know its influx and any unsureness at this time, is there to be worked with, not ignored. Changes of mind around money and purchases, maybe be strong at this time. So, keep that in mind, when something attractive pops up.  Coming out the other side with a more secure sense of personal assuredness & value along with self-confidence is what this entire process is striving to achieve. As well as not regretting that really large impulse buy a few months later.