Jane Birkin


November is a spicy month astrologically speaking with many aspects which might present some challenges, especially mid month. Mars, enters Scorpio its ruling sign by the 1st of November. Having mars in such a strong position can help motivate and create strong momentum in the area of life that Scorpio rules in your chart, getting to the bottom of any challenges or understand the mechanics of this area of life is helpful. Mars only transits this area of life once every two years.

However as Mars transits Scorpio, it will square Saturn in Aquarius which is a planet also in its rulership but also a planet which is the antithesis of Mars energy. Saturn likes to go slow and take’s its time to make sure all the checks and balances are in place, mars likes to push through and works with allot more urgency. Having these two malefic planets in a challenging square aspect will trigger one of them to be frustrated. Mars when frustrated gets aggressive, Saturn when frustrated, clamps down and suppresses . As they are both in fixed signs that rule, the tension between the two will be extremely noticeable with neither wanting to concede Watch this space.

After squaring Saturn, Mars then moves on to oppose Uranus in Taurus. Uranus is a change agent which speaks to autonomy and freedom. When combined, both Mars and Uranus can create a very volatile, unpredictable and explosive dynamic. Challenges or opportunities, as Uranus can present opportunities will have a more urgent quality thanks to Mars, igniting the situation. The feeling of having to do something NOW, might be all consuming. Be careful handling this energy as it is very much a potential tinderbox, that could go in any direction.

The new moon on November 19th is a lunar eclipse on the fixed star Algol, making it anything but a nice and friendly full moon. Algol is a difficult fixed star, which has some very heavy connotation’s and attributes. Having the lunar eclipse on it makes it a volatile and unpredictable full moon. Unseen dynamics are at play and being very mindful with how you interact with this energy is important. This lunar eclipse is also the introduction to a new 18 month eclipse season on the Taurus / Scorpio axis. So we are shifting from an eclipse cycle on the Gemini / Sagittarius axis and moving into the Taurus / Scorpio axis. A lunar eclipse on Algol is anything but a subtle introduction.

Finally on the lunar eclipse, Venus reaches her retrograde point for her upcoming retrograde cycle in Capricorn, which will be spoken about in my next post. Moving through November, it will have its challenges, but by months end we look to a time where these dynamic and energies ease. By December, we enter a time frame that doesn’t have so much complex transits occurring simultaneously. It’s going to be an interesting ride.

A 50 word sign by sign breakdown below.

Enjoy xx


The new moon on November 5th begins a fresh cycle around shared resources, allowing new pathways to form. Committed relationships; new or existing from 8 November – 21 November might have some stress points revealed thanks to Mars and Saturn in strong aspect. The Full Moon on the 19th is a lunar eclipse in your money sector indicating fast change or evolution.


November 5th sees a new moon in your relationship sector, featuring Mars the ruler of the new moon also in Scorpio. It’s a great time to trim back stagnant relationships letting new people or partnerships in. The lunar eclipse on November 19th in your health and individuation sector means taking extra care of your body over this time is important, which helps the eclipse shedding old layers at warp speed.


Your health and subconscious sector are this month’s focus with November 5th’s new moon helping to reset goals around your health and wellbeing. Mars, the moon’s ruler also in Scorpio will motivate these goals. The lunar eclipse on November 19th in your subconscious sector is tricky. Eclipses can be volatile and unexpected. Take it slow and don’t shy away from any unexpected feelings. It might be the perfect time to fully process and integrate what pops up.


November 5th delivers a new moon in your leisure and social sector, motivating exploration of your leisurely pursuits, opening new pathways for relaxation and restoration. Most of November is tricky and having a lunar eclipse in your social sector November 19th might not be the best aspect as we come into the summer season.  Your social sector might have some volatility thanks to the full moon’s eclipsing influence. Play it cool at this time.


Your home and family sector host’s the new moon on November 5th beginning a new cycle with your family and / or your physical home. Mars is also in this sector, motivating any large undertakings that might be required at this time. A lunar eclipse in your career and reputation sector November 19th might be tricky to navigate, expect the pace to pick up, eclipses can bring about unexpected events or progressions.


November’s new moon occurs in your locality sector helping to forge new relationships and new pathways in your local surroundings. Most of November is tricky thanks to mars and Saturn being in challenging aspect. The full moon on November 19th is a lunar eclipse, which influences your beliefs; helping to expand your perception into areas you least expected.


November’s new moon on the 5th is in your income sector. Its a great time to recommit to innovative and autonomous ways of raise your personal worth or new forms of income. A tricky lunar eclipse in your shared resource sector on the 19th is a potentially stressful time; eclipses can speed up event, some of them unexpected. Be mindful of overspending this month in-case something unexpected does arise.


Having a new moon in your individuation sector November 5th is a personal reset. A time to reflect back on all you have achieved and what you wish to strive for as you begin a new lunar cycle. Your more motivated and committed to your individual needs thanks to mars also being in Scorpio, strengthening this new cycle. A lunar eclipse in your relationship sector on the 19th may see some people come or go from your life, relationships evolved at warp speed.


A new moon in your subconscious sector on November 5th helps to lay new ground works around hidden or secret matters. Mars is also involved during this new moon, which might stir things up. A lunar eclipse in your health and wellbeing sector, November 19th encourages rest to avoid burnout, focusing on letting go of draining or unhelpful habits.


Your social networks are evolving with the new moon on November 5th.  Mars is involved, encouraging you to forge new connections and helping you to let go of social situations that no longer serve you.  A lunar eclipse on November 19th may see some changes around what you do for leisure and pleasure as you seek new inspiration.


The new moon on the 5th occurs in your career and reputation sector, helping to align your career goals. Mars helps to cut through stagnation, clearing new pathways. A lunar eclipse in your home and family sector might create some surprising and interesting developments; helping to purge things that are no longer required.


The new moon on the 5th begins a cycle which expands your perceptions and is opening you to new philosophies and ideas. Mars is also involved which aids in letting go of ideas that restrict or are limiting you. An unpredictable lunar eclipse on the 19th will impact your local surroundings, offering up some surreal moments.



The main astrological focus of October is Mercury’s retrograde in Libra, which makes aspects to both Pluto and Jupiter. Mercury’s retrograde allows for alternative or unexpected avenues to pop up, deviation from an expected course, along with a time for reflection and reassessments of the area of life, libra rules in chart. Mercury stations retrograde square Pluto in Capricorn which could indicate control or power structure being more active at this time; or perhaps something that has been hidden or suppressed is emerging during the retrograde. Having Jupiter aspected via trine indicates there is a positive lesson or opportunity for strong growth within this retrograde. It becomes apparent as this retrograde unfolds so be ready to meet Jupiter half way.

Mars conjoining the Sun and Mercury on the 10th of October will be a day to watch as Mars agitates behind the scenes adding more confusion and potential anxiousness along with misplaced aggression to October’s astroscapes. Allow a few day either side of this for confusion to sort itself out, but know this is a bit of a triggering day/timeframe.

October 20th is when Mercury goes direct in Libra, however it doesn’t clear its shadow period until early November. From October 20th is when we might see or feel resolution or gain the new found knowledge around that which was stirred up. Mercury’s station direct phase, helps to clarify by providing solutions to any problems that might have surfaced as the month unfolded. The presence of Pluto and Jupiter in this cycle shows there is depth and gravatas to what unfolds and is unearthed. Enjoy xx


Mercury retrograde’s in your relationship sector signals a time of communication mix-ups, re-evaluation of relationships or unexpected dynamics coming into play; with outcomes becoming clear in November. The new moon October 6th might raise irritability thanks to Mars conjoining it. The full moon October 21st with Pluto aspecting helps to make the necessary adjustments, to rebalance relationships and evening out any power dynamics.


Your health and wellbeing sector is undergoing some changes thanks to Mercury’s retrograde, think of it as an operating system upgrade. The new moon October 6 might see you a little more run down than usual thanks to Mars’ agitating influence, the full moon October 21 offers opportunities for insight and the evolution of your personal philosophies.


Your creative and self-expression sector is having a bit of a facelift. The planetary focus is on acknowledging your creativity and re-evaluating how to develop it. The new moon October 6 drives you to start fresh project, the full moon October 21 offers helpful insights on how your gifts will be received or enjoyed.


Alternative roads are opening up in your home and family sector as you re-assess and re-evaluate where and what you call home, thanks to Mercury’s retrograde. The new moon October 6 has a tricky Mars influence which causes frustration, it will pass by month’s end. The full moon October 21 sees your private and public personas transform thanks to Pluto evolutionary influence.


Day to day activities in your local community might see the confusing influence of Mercury’s retrograde as detours or unexpected delays create some frustration as you go about your usual business. Mars’ involvement with the new moon October 6 makes neighbours a bit irritable, the full moon October 21 helps with broadening your perspective and making everyday things more magical.


Your money sector is activated this month with Mercury’s retrograde helping you to re-assess the ways you generate income and what you use it for. The new moon October 6 helps with resetting spending habits, the full moon October 21 illuminates the ways in which other people’s resources are now accessible to you, helping any new goals or ambitions.


October offers the opportunity to rebalance your identity within relationships both personal and work related. Mercury’s retrograde offers new perspectives and insights. The new moon October 6 offers the gentle push required to make your desires manifest. By the full moon October 21, the evolution of these relationships becomes apparent, helping you find better balance.


October is a month to explore your depths, Mercury’s retrograde in your subconscious sector opens new roads or pathways that broaden your understanding of yourself or others. The new moon October 6 starts a new cycle of deep personal exploration. The full moon October 21 helps to integrate this new information into your everyday life.


Your community and social networks might be in a strange spin this month, thanks to Mercury whose retrograde hijinks create confusion and cross communication. The new moon October 6 with Mars in aspect might see tensions rise in your social sector, the full moon October 21 helps transform your place within your community by helping people their common ground.


The career, reward and reputation sector of your chart sees you re-evaluate or take unexpected paths towards career goals or finding new ways to be recognized. The new moon October 6 is a potential catalyst thanks to Mars triggering necessary changes. The full moon helps secure your home base, which in turn supports your evolution.


Mercury helps expand your perception during October, thanks to its retrograde motion in your beliefs sector. New roads open and unexpected avenues appear allowing you to upgrade any outdated belief systems that may be holding you back. The new moon October 6 could offer ways of seeing things in a new light, with the full moon October 21 being when you see these new beliefs being reflected to you in your local environment.


The money sectors of your chart are active this month, with Mercury’s retrograde making you re-evaluate your relationship to external resources and finances. It’s a great time to examine at any loans or borrowings you may have. October 6, the new moon in aspect to Mars might see an unexpected bill or loan called in, be mindful this month on overextending yourself financially. The full moon October 21 is when you see an opportunity to evolve or turn any money problems around to your advantage.