LUNAR ECLIPSE (Gemini & Sagittarius Axis)


November 30th (AEDT) sees the second full moon in a calendar month, often referred too as a blue moon. Blue moons are actually relatively common, more common than most of the large-scale planetary alignments of 2020. 

This Full Moon is also a Lunar eclipse,  opening our eclipse season on the new Gemini / Sagittarius axis which began in Gemini season earlier this year. 

The Lunar eclipse of 30 November, as it’s a penumbral lunar eclipse, only a shadow will hit the moon, rather than the regalia of a total lunar eclipse. However, astrologically and magically, an eclipse is still an eclipse. Although not as visually spectacular as the 26 May 2021 Total Lunar Eclipse, this eclipse still has a bit bite, thanks to the conjunction of 2 of the 4 royal fixed stars.

The Sun conjoins Antares and the full Moon conjoins Aldebaran, for this eclipse, giving it a very volatile and aggressive mars like quality. Both Antares and Aldebaran are out for conquest. As these alignments are on an eclipse axis, there is a blurring or shadowing effect. 

Things are very much not as they seem. Unseen actions and power moves are at play, so drawing down this energy is potentially problematic. This is not a full moon to be playing with, unless you like to bring unexpected power plays into your life. 

Resting and staying hydrated during the actual eclipse is recommended along with keeping a low profile. Eclipse can be blind spots or quickening of events, having Antares and Aldebaran being brought into the mix, gives this eclipse some real fire power. 

Re-entering the eclipse season of 2020, it seems appropriate to have such potent points activated as we begin the wrapping up of 2020.  Watch this space, and be mindful of what you choose to do with this energy. 

Eclipse start 6:32pm     Middle/Max : 8:42pm    End  10:53pm AEDT 

Image : Elizabeth Shippen Green, Halley’s Commet at Dawn 1909


Image : Kim Novak



The new moon in Scorpio is kind of an interesting one ! Mars the ruler of this lunation, is recently stationed direct. Although lacking in pace, mars is operating in the right direction and is able to build some forward motion, much like the new moon. Mars recently direct offers a positive influence after so much intensity that was created with its three months retrograde. This mars ruled new moon, offers a nice little resting/restart point. 

The New Moon has a lovely sextile to Jupiter, giving some optimism around capricornian things such as money or benefits from people in power or authoritarian roles such as workplace bosses or those who have power and influence. Be open to assistance from those in positions of authority over the next two weeks, there might be a nice helping hand. Or you take on that role and position to assist others, with your own ability to influence and help others, through your own powers and privledges.

Mercury is opposite Uranus in Taurus. Mercury sharing the same space as the new moon in Scorpio, give a little boost to mercantile things such as trade, business, perhaps writing and communication. Uranus is the unseen opportunity or idea. Be open to the unexpected opportunity of exchange.

Overall, it’s an interesting new moon, with some really nice areas for opportunity and expansion, especially as the moon waxes towards its fullness. Keeping in mind this is the last lunation before eclipse season begins. So, this is the last moon we have that isn’t impacted by eclipses for the next few lunar cycles. The new moon in Scorpio, has some nice things going on with it, so feel free to dip your toes into it and see what transpires:) 

#astrology #newmooninscorpio #marsdirect #newmoons #luminaryastrology


Photographer: Camilla Akran 


11:34am AEST

Today Mars the red planet, stations direct after three months of retrogradation in Aries the sign it rules, and this is great news! 

Mars, retrogrades every two years and it’s a planet that isn’t particularly fond of doing so either. Retrogrades slow down and imbed Mars, a planet whose primary significations are about motion, fast pace and action. When retrograde this pace and action slows down, it causes frustration and friction due to the lack of momentum. Such frustrations can turn inward as the environment around you slows down. Mars is powerful in Aries, due to its rulership; this coupled with the fact that mars also retrogrades least in Aries out of all of the zodiacal signs, had made the last three months particularly stressful.

Mars turned retrograde September 10thand it’s at this time reflections or struggles became more apparent or deepened. Perhaps there were other things agitating situations that you weren’t previously aware of.

Re looking at your personal power, strength or what rouses anger could have been areas for redress. Depending on where this is occurring in your personal chart. Anyone with personal planets in Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn, would have been more heavily impacted by this Mars Retrograde. Collectively Mars putting strain on Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto in late Capricorn has definitely created an element of tension, that has continued to simmer over the second half of 2020. Things have been on the verge and felt like they were going to get lit and exploding at any moment.  Keeping a coolness around all the heat anger around us, has definitely been a way of life and a state of being, since Mars entered Aries on June 29th.

Mars turning direct today, does make things more erratic than usual, but the good news is, we are moving to a place where we can finally gain some traction and get things moving again with a more assured sense of what direction we wish to direct our energy. The other benefit of this movement forwards of Mars, is being able to mould our tools in a sharper and more effective fashion. Mars finally leaves Aries after 6 months (instead of the usual two months) in early January, and it is at that time, we will feel the heat turned down just a little, as we move away from the tectonic shifts of 2020’s astrology, with more tools and aids at our disposal.