Ingress into Cancer 29 December @ 09:25pm AEDT

Exact 30 DEC 2020 @ 2:28pm AEDT 

La Luna’s shift into Cancer, her ruling sign marks many milestones and is a poignant end to the remarkable and one in a lifetime astrology of 2020. As I sit and watch her rise and compose my words, by candlelight, at her ingress into Cancer, it’s quite something to try and articulate. As Luna comes to her annual Cancer full moon on the final days of 2020, its very apparent the dramatic shift, away from the stresses and pressure that have been applying to her over the past three years; with the fresh sense of a new fertile space beginning to reveal.

Luna in Cancer, this time around is lighter and the space created by three years of Saturnian pressure and its weight on Luna whist transiting Cancer, is very apparent. This is the first full moon in Cancer or any moon cycle in Cancer, without Saturn being in opposition of, since December 2017. As she rises in front of me, in her first cycle sans Saturn, the weights previously imposed and the spaces created, is quite something to absorb and process. This is the full moon, in which the extent of this long term pressure finally reveals itself.

Saturn is hard on the moon as their intentions and purposes are opposite in technique, aims and what they are trying to achieve. Both planets being strong due to their rulership meant every cancer moon for the past three years was imposed with the burdens, constrictions, restrictions and judgements of Saturn’s cold harsh rays. Cancer lunations were heavier and more burdensome. It is at this lunation we begin to see the strengths and our hard-earnt achievements since, Saturn’s ingress into Capricorn, Dec 2017. Other observations might be a new form of softness, especially around things that used to have a harder edge. Calling it an emotional slog is an understatement. If you have inner planets or angles on the Cardinal axis of Capricorn, Cancer, Libra or Aries, you would have felt this much more.

This lunation is also the first lunation after the recent eclipse series, on the Gemini and Sagittarius axis.  The solar eclipse on 15thDecember 2020 being particularly harsh and potent. I don’t know many people who weren’t touched by its intensity and dramatic overtones. Having a nourishing full moon such as this one, to close out the eclipse season helps to reconcile some of the difficult things that may have been thrown up during this eclipse season, as well as feeling like the cosmic hug we needed.

So, as we round out 2020 and experience its closing as well as getting our strong dignified Cancer Moon’s back, this really feels like the perfect antidote in washing way 2020 and all the trauma, allowing us to re-centre and recharge emotionally after what can only be described as a life changing year. Paying attention to tending to ourselves and our communities, and focusing on care, mothering and nourishment as we enter 2021 seems like the perfect astrological hint, to help guide us into a new and very different world for 2021. 

#fullmoonincancer #cancermoons #astrology #luminaryastrology #fullmoon #transits

IMAGE : Albert Bierstadt, Moonlight, c. 1860


The first Air era since 1226, which also began with Jupiter and Saturn conjoining in Aquarius.

00’30  Jupiter in Aquarius & 00’30 Saturn in Aquarius

Tuesday 22 December 2020

Exact conjunction 0645am AEDT

Look west into the evening sky after sunset, use Star Chart a free app if your unsure and want to double check you have the right planets. Can be viewed in the weeks either side of it, maximum closeness is the above dates.

The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn occurring under 12 hours after the solstice is perhaps the astrological event of the year.  The Solstice which occurs at Monday 21 December 8:53pm AEDT, followed by the exact conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at 0645am Tuesday 22 December makes this a solstice for the ages. Who would expect anything less to helps to wrap up a remarkable and dynamic 2020? But in 2020 style, the 2020 conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn also offers that little bit extra!

Jupiter and Saturn, the two largest of the visible planets to the naked eye conjoin every 19.5 years, and as astrologer Austin Coppock remarked, they are the king makers of human history and its era’s; and the tent poles of history, under which we live. As human’s mark the movements of the Sun and the Moon to represent and follow time, this also extends to the Jupiter and Saturn conjunction, due to our ability to visually track it, along-side events and developments here on earth.  Humans have been observing the Jupiter and Saturn conjunctions for thousands of years. The most famous record of a reputed Jupiter Saturn conjunction are the reference to it as the Star of Bethlehem in the bible. Yes folks, the three wise men, were following the Jupiter Saturn conjunction, and it definitely created a crowning moment, no matter what your belief system is. So, these are important times, in which we currently live.

Jupiter Saturn conjunctions represent kings and empires, beginning and ends.  There cycle is predictable, due to the constancy of there synodic cycles and also represent a certain quality of time depending on what elemental era they are in.  Jupiter Saturn conjunctions have been the book markers and book end of history, for good reason, they are tried, and test and they works, as an astrological timing technique. Each era, whether it be Fire, Air, Water or Earth, all have a strong presence of the ruling element within the quality of time, to which people live. Fire ages have seen great renaissance in arts and traditions including the Italian Renaissance and Tudor England, and the Romantic era. Water eras have seen great spiritual movements etc.

The Solstice conjunction of these two kingly planets, begins and ends a 20- and 200-year cycle at the same time, beginning a cycle last seen 794 years ago. The solstice itself is a very significant day. It’s a marker of the imbalance of light and darkness and a day of which humans have literally built monuments like Stonehenge to. These two events coinciding ? Rare, like really rare.

Tomorrow’s conjunction marks the beginning of a 200-year cycle in Air, ending an earth cycle which began in 1842. Looking back across the earth age, we can see conquests, colonization of lands by organized and government mandated / centralized force. The plundering / mining of the earth for wealth and riches, which then got kept and managed in a hierarchical system and created empires because of the hoarded wealth from the earth and all its resources (i.e.: corporations/governments/institutions), we also need to mention the unscrupulous ways in which this wealth was taken.  Industrialisation also began on mass and changed the way we connect to earth and how we work with it.  Money and power was created by the complete raping and pillaging of the earth and its resources. As we leave the earth era, the earth is literally struggling for survival, due to the amount we have stripped from it and mis-managed pollution. These Grand Conjunctions will be in air signs until 2159. The last Air series of conjunctions began in 1226 (Aquarius). So let the journey begin.

When you look at the timelines of the history of these developments and the Jupiter Saturn conjunctions, the information is incredibly striking and is helpful to see where we may evolve to next. 

So, what is an air age and what does it look like? This is the first Air age in 800 years, and interestingly, tomorrows conjunction is the closest these planets get, in forming the conjunction also in 800 years, I don’t feel this is coincidence. 

Air ages are marked by disbursing of empires and wealth as well as creating more movement and freedom, through change and instability, this creates new pathways and new opportunity. Air ages have a more unpredictable flavour, through instability and a disbursing of power and control. Things we used to rely on may disappear, but through it, new alternatives are presented and ideas and intelligence/problem solving gets a real opportunity to explore and create new innovations and solutions, to the real problems we now face coming out of the earth age. 

Air ages can be marked with the term, created by Austin Coppock, as the age of “Disruptive Conquerors”. It is through these disruptive conquerors that the Air age changes and adapts the ways we live.  In previous Air ages, we had Genghis Khan create still to dates the biggest land empire created. He also establishes safety and strong connection, through the Silk Road, which fed and nourished trade, and is a trade route still in place today.  Genghis Khan did this by connecting many nomadic tribes. Nomadic tribes being tres Air, due to the constant movement in nature and quality. His conquests were the pinnacle of disruptive conquests, and he is still seen as one of the greatest conquerors in history.  We also in previous Air era’s saw the beginning of the fall of the Roman Empire after its peak. Alexander the Great, go through and connect and create the Hellenistic world, which didn’t last long after he died, but it still created information and connected to countries, who through the merging of ideas and information shared, through this Hellenistic world, we still look to today, as a source of information, and knowledge sharing, I’m looking at astrologers, with this one.

Through this disruption, we see more information and trade created, as the channels open up in different ways, and the control mechanism change. Looking forwards to what this might mean for us now, the internet and technology is definitely opening up the ways we live. The pandemic showed us how adaptable we are to remote learning or working from home. We no longer need to work or learn in centralized places. Notable news to come out recently, is the huge surges in Bit Coin values, a revolutionary digital currency, which is hard to ignore as we enter the Air age. We have seen the beginnings of lab grown meat becoming available to on mass and rise in popularity and availability, which reflects how technology is modifying the food chain.  Socially, technology has bridged the gap, in allowing us to connect to people, when we physically couldn’t.  When it comes to power and control, we can’t ignore the increased use of surveillance and drones, to track people and their movements. This will certainly increase. How is most of this conducted? Through the air waves, internet or literally in the air.

The previous Jupiter conjunction was in Taurus and 2000 (the last of the Earth cycle) and previous to this it was in Libra 1980/1981 (the first dip into the Air Cycle). Both these conjunctions were ruled by Venus. Consumerism and materialism really took off and Venus put pleasure and aesthetics front and centre for the past 40 years. Now we move into an Aquarius conjunction, we enter both an Air and a Saturn ruled conjunction. We will be looking at a more conservative and less pleasure oriented 20-year Jupiter Saturn cycle; perhaps to help solve the very pressing problems we face as we exit the Earth era and we look to solutions to the problems it has caused. 

The Great Conjunction, which is exact tomorrow following the Solstice, is marking the beginning of a new age, we are in a stage of transition and it will take a while for us to settling into it or work out, what real direction this is taking us. However, we do have the wonderful opportunity to watch them as they conjoin in the sky. We are fortunate enough to have the best view in 794 years or since 1226, coincidently, the last time we were in an Air age. Look west at nightfall and admire, being able to see such a momentous and historical moment, as we look to the planets and the future, they might herald. 



Less than 24 hours remains of Saturn in Capricorn for the next 28 years. Probably one of the harshest transits, tending towards highlighting the cool harsh realities of time, consequence, commitments and perseverance even in the most challenging conditions, Saturn In Capricorn is a cool and hard task master.

December 2017 – December 2020 is a good time to reflect over now as another transit of Saturn in Capricorn completes. Making sure u make strong commitments to yourself and your communities for its next 28 year cycle around the zodiac. Saturnian rewards are slow in revealing themselves and heavy in consequence; if not taken seriously and the necessary ground work put in.

The Moon conjoining Saturn as it leaves Capricorn, perfect for embodying these new commitments and personal contracts, as the clock is about to strike its own form of midnight. The lessons have been laid, now it time to walk forwards.

As we get set to bid you adieu, I would like to thank you Saturn, for all the cool hard challenges I have had to face and thank you for helping me address them head on, no matter what forms they presented to me in. Signed a late degree Capricorn Sun.

💫🔭🔮🧿💥 #luminaryastrology #luminary_astro#saturn #saturnincapricorn #astrology#2020 #souxieandthebanshees#souxiesoux #astrologytransits


NICK CAVE : Still from ‘Idiot Prayer’


14 days remain with Saturn in Capricorn.  Saturn’s transit of it’s home or domicile sign has been influencing the skyscapes since 21 December 2017. Since then Saturn has been stronger and more stern than usual, due to his rulership in Capricorn. A supercharged Saturn likes to strip back, boosts conservatism and consequences of actions Et cetera.

With conservatism and consequence being the plate du jour for the past three years and hard work with sacrifice being our new drug of choice, whether you were initially willing or not, Saturn in Capricorn has not been without it small rewards. Saturn rewards strong focus, over long periods of time and absorbing the cold hard reality checks. Saturn likes dealing with the hard and messy stuff, by cutting away, all that does not fit, or all that is not fit for purpose, sans any emotional consideration or attachment.

Saturn’s servings aren’t always pleasant, and they aren’t always palatable, which is probably why we only get a dose of Saturn in Capricorn every 28 – 30 years.  Saturnian realization’s arn’t those that come lightly. Death tends to be more prominent both physically and metaphorically and is a signifier as to when Saturn is strong in transit or strongly placed during a period of time.  Saturn nickname old father time, often pictured as death or with a scythe, is something we face more prominently when Saturn transits Capricorn.

As Saturn soaks up the last days of his transit in Capricorn, solidifying the last of his lessons or impacts, for the next 28 years, it’s a good time to reflect on the lessons , re-routes, ambitions, the losses, the grief, the depression, the reality checks, the small incremental wins and what has survived outside all the suffering of the past 3 years.

Saturn as it leaves Capricorn; begins to perfect its aspect to Jupiter. Creating what Astrologers refer to as the “Great Conjunction”. The “Great Conjunction” as Astrologer Austin Coppock has outlined, is one the main timekeepers for humanity’s ability to keep time and records, outside the rising of the Sun each day, and the Lunar cycles and phases. Saturn Jupiter conjunctions can be seen as an extension of the astronomical clock for measuring time as humans, marking consistently 20 year, 200 year or 800 year cycles. This Saturn cycle, sees his exit from Capricorn, coinciding with the beginning of all three new cycles of time at once with this great conjunction with Jupiter.

Saturn moving out of Capricorn, and its meeting Jupiter, begins a new 20, 200-year cycle, that was last seen 800 years ago simultaneously. Not a bad punch to leave on for old father time as he exits a sign of such strength and renewal. The perfection of Saturn or “Old Father Time” to leave Capricorn and then begin these’s cycle on the Summer/Winter Solstice, shows that for all his coldness and sternness, Saturn isn’t afraid to try new things and continues to play with our perceptions and experience of what time is and how it impacts us.

Now is a great time to look over the difficulties, reality checks, the hard work, the lessons, our relationship with time and ageing along with what we wish to plan and achieve as small yet realistic goals over the next 28 year Saturn cycle. Saturn leaves a place of strength and authority, so this is an important cycle that is resetting. Things will clearly be different in 28 years time, But the aim is to make it better and to plan out the best road forwards, minimising the aggressive consequences to our actions. Now we need to start choosing our decisions more wisely and think about what we can cut back, and sustain, over longer periods of time. Climate change and sustainable living seems to be an obvious and urgent part of this narrative, as we come to the end of 2020 and this Saturn in Capricorn cycle.

To be honest, its a transit people probably wont miss, but its one we need to keep in the back of our minds. Old Father Time never forgets. As Saturn continues his way in to Aquarius, a sign Saturn also rules, we look to the differences of the two signs and how Saturn can rule two signs with such different significations and purposes. In Aquarius the rules are different and the topography very different, as we move from the dizzying heights and lonely terrain we have been navigating in Capricorn, into a space of vision and aspirations with more inclusiveness and collectable accountability. More on this soon, along with the impending Jupiter Saturn conjunction. But for now, Saturn, as you sit upon my Sun for the third time this year……. I bid you Adieu. Those with heavy Capricorn placements, for example Sun, Moon or Ascendant, can finally sigh in relief, as our once in 28 year lessons in responsibility, action and consequence begins to fade into a new experiences.



Madonna in the film ” Desperately Seeking Susan” 1985

December’s astrology is just as captivating and powerful as the astrology that opened the year. January’s Saturn Pluto conjunction brought with it some powerful events, which follow strongly the patterns of previous Saturn Pluto conjunction’s. Archetypal Astrologer Richard Tarnas describes the Saturn Pluto conjunctions as ‘Cycles of Crisis and Contraction’.

December brings us the tail end of the year as well as the ‘Great Conjunction’ of Jupiter and Saturn. More to come on this separately in a new post, however December’s Jupiter Saturn conjunction, begins both a new 20 and 200 year cycle at the same time. Add in Eclipse season and a solstice to the mix, its is a huge month.

December looks to round out the year with just as much dynamic and captivating astrology that has been a trademark of both 2020 and the new decade.

Below are some large brush stroke observations through the sun signs. Where possible read your rising sign over your sun sign, if known. Enjoy xx


Jupiter and Saturn’s conjunction on the summer solstice establishes fresh connections within your community and social networks. Finally you can breathe a sigh of relief as Saturn finishes its stern assessment of your career and reputation sector. After three months of disruption Mars finally allows you to assert your intentions clearly.The full moon on 30th December focuses on family and home, helping to round out an incredibly challenging 2020. 


The great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on the solstice offers opportunity and consolidates your career and reputation. Conjoining every 20 years it offers a fresh era of ambition and opportunity. The solar eclipse on 15thDecember potentially throws some shade or unknown factors around resources and debts; tread lightly around such topics at this time. 


The lunar eclipse occurring on the 30thof November is a signal of unseen things at play around your identity and relationships. Know not all the information is at hand during the first two weeks of December. This becomes more amplified on 15thDecember, with the Solar eclipse in your relationship sector. Eclipses are blind spots and can speed up situations. Expect the unexpected. Resolutions arrive with the full moon in Cancer on  the 30th December, rounding out 2020 with clarity and comfort.  


Jupiter and Saturn meet in Aquarius on the solstice, freeing up all your relationships, making them lighter and less rigid and heavy, as Saturn leaves yours relationship sector. External sources of finances or other resources maybe offered from others. Mars finally frees up space for some real career advancements.  


The summer solstice delivers a once in 20-year conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn which highlights commitments and optimism around relationships. This is a new era. A solar eclipse on 15th December signals some blind spots around pleasures, creative pursuits, flirts or children. Mars now gains momentum after three months of introspection and reveals a more powerful and self-determined personal ideology. 


A lunar eclipse on 30th November highlights the shifting sands around your home base and career or external reputation. The solar eclipse of 15th December develops the role of home or family in context of your career. Eclipses can be blind spots or offer fast progress; be alert. The full moon on 30thDecember  offers kindly help and comfort from your wider community and social networks. Mars progresses your self-determination around financial and material resources.


December is a wonderful opportunity to engage with friends and loved ones. Mars gives energy and vitality helping such engagements. Personal creativity and your relationship with children will see optimism and solidarity created thanks Jupiter and Saturn’s conjunction on the summer solstice. This 20-year cycle is forging a new era and offers great opportunity around your creativity and children.


A lunar eclipse of 30th November  carries its tone through the first two weeks of December. Eclipses in your financial house indicate unseen activities at play or an acceleration towards a target. Jupiter and Saturn meet up on the summer solstice, marking a new era in your home, family and ancestor sector. Optimism and commitment drive this new era. Mars helps you rip through any to do lists and assists with problem solving. 


December opens with a visible lunar eclipse on 30thNovember  which echoes through your relationship sector for two weeks. Eclipses can speed things up and information isn’t always seen right away. Things may not be what they seem. A solar eclipse on 15thDecember  offers a shift in terms of who you are and how you present.  The full moon on 30th  December  sees a culmination point around financial resources and debts. 


2020 has been an intense year, but no one has to bear its weight more than Capricorns. December sees this load lighten. Saturn moves out of Capricorn at the solstice; a new dawn of opportunity is apparent. Mars gives positive progress on the family and home front and the full moon on 30thDecember culminates in your relationship sector, marking a yearly peak in your family relations.


Having Jupiter and Saturn conjoining in your sign on the summer solstice is rare and auspicious. New beginnings concerning your identity and how you present to the world are initiated by this ‘great conjunction’ in Aquarius.  15thDecember’s eclipse focuses on change and development in your creativity and community sector. These shifts of direction may not be obvious until 30th December.  


Mars brings real progress in your earned income; all the stop-starts are behind you and December provides financial momentum after three months of frustration and delay. Saturn’s move out of your community and social networking sector shifts the pressures and obligations on your social sector. The 15thDecembersolar eclipse in your career and reputation sector mixes things up in ways that won’t be observable until 30thDecember.