The Astrological weather for October is choppy to say the least, with the upcoming Mercury retrograde in Scorpio, coinciding with its ruler, Mars also being retrograde in Aries. These retrogrades are along side some rather challenging lunation’s this month, so strong precaution is advised; for both how you use this energy and what battles you decide to take on. October is a month where caution and self care will stand in good stead. Pushing forwards with activities and intentions that feel like they are an uphill battle, or a struggling to get up and running, most likely need more time to develop and nurture.

The Month opens on October 1st/2nd, with a full moon in Aries making it a potentially hostile lunation due to its increasing proximity to Mars. The following day (October 2nd/3rd) may present some hostility or aggression being exhibited, as emotions (the Moon) may spill over or become abrasive and hostile (Mars) as the two finally conjoin.

The New Moon in Libra on October 16th also finds itself in a rather difficult situation, as it is opposed by Mars and squared by both Saturn and Pluto. Following the familiar terrain of other plants who have run the gauntlet through the late cardinal degrees in recent months. Having the luminaries (The Sun and Moon) as the meat or protein in a Malefic sandwich, we have all established is no fun, and definitely NOT the kind of energy you want to be manifesting or drawing down your life long dreams from.

Overall, its a month to sit tight in and navigate the choppy weather through awareness and self care. October is one of the more trickier months in 2020, so proceed with care and know once we have moved past October, we will be beginning to near the end of the Cardinal Crush. Meaning, the planetary energies will begin to separate slight and not challenge each other so much. If you have any major planets (Sun, Moon, Ascendant especially) in Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn, know that we are almost at the end of some once in a life time astrology. You have got this !


Venus makes her way through your health and wellbeing sector delivering grace and joy to all matters pertaining to this area. While Venus is in Virgo you can enjoy an eye for details and an atmosphere of cohesion. However, Venus can be overly nit-picky here so remember to monitor the levels of critique, so you don’t overdo it. The Sun in balancing Libra offers stability by collaborating with others.


The Sun’s yearly passage through Libra energizes your health and wellbeing sector. Radiating and energizing it helps centre goals around these topics, making them more of a priority. Consistency with your routines allows you to maintain vitality, in-turn minimising problems. Venus in her house joy and in Libra stimulates strong reconnection to your favourite activities or allows more harmonious connection with children.


Mercury retrogrades in your health and wellbeing sector encouraging you to dig deeper and re-evaluate influences or distractions within your areas of self-care and health. Picking apart, fine-tuning or reworking your routines is supported by this retrograde. Rewards, however, will be seen elsewhere as the Sun in Libra shows you where newfound and re-energized time can be used by shinning a light on things you love that may have fallen to the wayside.


The Sun brings radiance in the home and family realms. Time spent around the home or with family is the perfect way to rest and recharge and bring about more balance with wellness. Venus makes herself busy, happily overhauling your scheduling and communication sectors, which allows for greater freedom of time for Spring and Summer.


This Month, Mercury will be in Scorpio and retrogrades in your home, family and ancestor sector, helping to uncover and reveal constraints from the past to do with family or ancestors. Mercury brings the skeletons out of the closet and assisting in putting them to rest. Wellness and wellbeing comes from bringing to light things that have been hidden; the load is lessened as 2020 continues.


Venus moves through your body and vitality sector creating the perfect opportunity to flex and extend; enjoy the process and the results. Venus is working to bring more fun and freshness, less micromanagement and just letting the magic happen.  Seize the opportunity to appreciate your worth or benefit from financial gains as the Sun works its way through your money sector.


The Sun transiting your sign helps revitalise and re-energise from the ground up. Take comfort and find vitality by centring yourself around your natural leadership qualities and affirming your goals.   Venus, your ruler, will be working to untie knot or confusing threads in the backdrop of your subconscious sector. Both the Sun and Venus will be working to bring about balance to your inner and outer selves leading to greater wellness.


Attempts to assert and communicate might feel like they are being held back with the Mercury Retrograde in your sign from mid-month. Expect frustration at being misinterpreted or misunderstood; it will pass. Both the Sun and Venus shine a light on areas of reworking. The Sun works highlight your subconscious sector, so things can be more clearly seen from that perspective, while Venus by bringing support and fellowship via your friendship and social networks.


The Sun highlights areas of support and community contacts, allowing you to see more of how these supports can benefit you. Venus gracing your work and reputation sector helps with being seen and visible in a complimentary light.  Mercury turns retrograde in your subconscious sector; dreams may become stronger and more visceral. Messages delivered are worth listening too.


Mercury in Scorpio retrogrades in your community and networks sector so communications maybe confusing, delayed or unsettling. Your search for clarity is disrupted so monitor and manage accordingly. The Sun highlights career and reputation, the goals around this become clearer and you may be seeking more acknowledgement around such leadership abilities. With the Sun’s clear vision, you might also be seen for it.


Venus in the ultra-picky sign of Virgo is beneficial for all forms of analysis around shared resources. Loans, Taxes or any form of resource that you use from others is given an increased eye for detail, creating opportunity to benefit and capitalise. Mercury’s retrograde in your Career and Reputation sector makes for some disruption or delays but in the long run is great for realigning your career ambitions.


Looking to support from friends and partnerships this month helps your wellness and wellbeing. Venus will be working to make these people more noticeable for you, don’t be shy in reaching out as their assistance will likely be on offer. Mercury retrogrades in your belief and philosophy sector. Communications which develop and extend personal beliefs and philosophies assist in making changes to your values and belief systems.


IMAGE : Kate Bush


Mercury’s ingress into Scorpio sees us moving away from the hostilities of the (Capricorn, Cancer, Aries and Libra axis) and dive into the deep chasm of Scorpio’s fixed water.  

Mercury’s time in Scorpio is giving off a strong Hecate vibe, where looking deep into the stagnate waters gives opportunity to claim authority, authorship and divinity through these underworld waterscapes. 

Scorpio is a private yin fixed water sign and a place Mercury can work well.  Mercury enjoys the sharp focus and dedication that Scorpio offers. However, the strong emotional ambiance of Scorpio can detract from the clarity of information that Mercury is seeking. Being mindful of the nature AND intent of these obsessive and fixations, is one important proviso for this transit.  

Mars, rules Scorpio and is extremely strong right now, giving Mercury’s time in Scorpio a little extra heat and bite. This blurs the line around the separation of emotion from the information and increases the likelihood of strong emotions to flare up, to be engaged with.  

Scorpio is a sign that likes to look at things that others refuse to, creating space to hold and engage. It’s not always pleasant going through the muck and sorting through the crap to help unblock the blockages; but it’s something that Mercury in Scorpio excels at! 

Mercury has an extended stay in Scorpio thanks to its Retrograde cycle (14 Oct – 4 Nov). We are already in the shadow period. Mercury will also be opposing Uranus. Making this transit, potentially very fruitful with regards to innovating and individualising the area of your chart that Scorpio lords over and reconnecting an emotional intelligence to it.

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📸: Sophia Loren

It’s that time of the month, for that special kind of 2020 intensity that late 2020 Astrology continues to deliver through the cardinal crush. Now its Mercury in Libra who is doing the death weave through Mars, Saturn and Pluto territory. Right now, its ALL the hard feels as Mercury IS in a very tough spot and delivers to us messages and information about our relationships and connections to Mars (power, anger, aggression), Saturn (constriction, guilt, fear) and Pluto (control, entrapment).

Mercury, although more prepared for this planetary offensive than other planets, it doesn’t detract from the great deal of discomfort or besiegement being felt over the past few and next three days.

Adding to this funky situation Mercury finds itself in, is also the RETROGRADE factor. As Mercury will be retrograding back to this point or degree during its Retrograde, which begins in October. Meaning, what is happening now especially with regards to our relationship to the above themes will be coming back up in early November, helping reposition and rectify the issues being raised.  The information your receiving now about your position around these difficult Mars, Saturn, Pluto themes, is and will change and evolve!

On top of this funky Mercury vibe, the Moon has JUST entered Capricorn, for its monthly transit of all the previously mentioned planetary themes. The Moon in Capricorn is heavily amplifying the emotional intensity of the next few days. So be mindful, restful and do engage with feelings that come up from ‘nowhere’ or any internal or external pressures that are currently rising. 

Mercury will connect with the Moon as they both leave Libra and Capricorn respectively on Saturday, exchanging vital intel from both their meetings and interactions with Mars, Saturn and Pluto.  Intel is SUPER strong right now, and it’s going to come back up in the first week of November, so engage and communicate with it, there is gold to be mined from this astrology. Although mining has never been a fun or clean business.


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Iman by Norman Parkinson 1976 (British Vogue)

The New Moon in Virgo on September 17th, marks a new year and a new moon cycle for the Virgo areas of our lives. Beginning a 6-month period which completes at the full moon in Virgo in 2021, we are invited and have the opportunity to feed and nurture our Virgo placements. This new, waxing moon cycle assisting and helps the cleaning of the slate and helps to invite change and opportunities. The catch being, WHAT we are inviting in at this waxing cycle must be fed and nourished, for it to grow and find roots.

The New Moon makes an aspect to Saturn, indicating what is beginning or growing might be slow to come fruition. It would be wise to spend a little extra time going over things to make sure the plans and promises we make to ourselves are secure, consistent and achievable. Is the investment of time and effort realistic ? Is the outcome worth all that investment ? Have you invested enough time and effort ? Pluto in tow shows issues where you may have lost control ? or exerted too much control ? It’s worth investigating as Pluto is part of this new deal which is forming at the New Moon. 

Mercury the ruler of our New Moon in Virgo, aspects Jupiter, the greater benefic and wise teacher of the Zodiac. Although Jupiter is very constrained in Capricorn, there are lessons and teachings to be gleaned from his placement. They just might be a little more cold and rigid, than we would like.  Mercury is still in the safe zone of early Libra and has yet to hit the Cardinal crush aspects; Mercury’s communications and innovations in Libra soften some of the harder or more challenging lessons being rooted, allowing some pleasure and sweetness to slip through. Mercury in Libra allows some sugar-coating to the wisdom Jupiter is bestowing upon us from Capricorn along with Saturn and Pluto, which in turn eases and inspires the treasure that we seek at this New Moon lunation in Virgo.

Its a lovely new moon with much to offer, below is a sign by sign breakdown of where this energy will be activated in your chart, Enjoy and I hope some of this inspires xx



 I reset my all daily routines to create smarter and more constructive results for my career and reputation.


 My Creative pursuits are supported by strong beliefs around there value to myself and others. 


 I am supported by the reconnection to my foundations with my family, home and ancestors; which creates stronger relationships with resources from others.


 I reset my schedule and interactions with my surrounding neighbourhood, to support more investment of time in relationships with friends and family. 


 My finances and self-worth become more aligned and streamlined, helping raise both.


New Moon, New Year, New Me, New Plan …


 Banishing all the bad thoughts and what if’s, clears the air for a new year, new dreams, new beginnings.


Fresh starts for my local community and social networks will only enhance the experience. ‘Covid Normal’ will only be part of the new innovations.


Fresh starts, new commitments and new opportunities over the next 6 months help push your career and reputation to a higher level. 


Resets around your beliefs, philosophies and new study over the next 6 months helps reshape, how you present and are received in your world.


Blank slates, fresh starts, new beginnings with any resources that your use from others, including money and loans, creates fresh opportunity, and stronger connections. 


Fresh starts, fresh love, fresh connections, fresh vibe !  It’s a 6-month reset with your relationships to those you hold dearest and closest.


Jupiter turned direct in Capricorn over the weekend which isn’t a bad thing, it just not an overly huge thing in the context of it all.  Jupiter maybe direct, but extremely limited with what it can do. Jupiter is in a sign it doesn’t relate to in Capricorn as well having to live with the cold, domineering, tyrannous flatmate called Saturn. Saturn is strong in Capricorn, so it’s his way or the highway, Jupiter hasn’t got much muscle flex around here. Pluto is also bunking in there in all his dark cave like qualities. Add to this the aspects to Mars in Aries, and Jupiter direct kind of just means he has to deal with the implications of connecting his gloomy flatmates, and volatile neighbours. Jupiter in Capricorn is hardly the barrel of laughs that Jupiter is known for or enjoys. In 2020 this has been taken to the extreme thanks to the hostility that surrounds poor Jupiter.

Jupiter direct however does mean, that it is moving in the right direction, the direction of getting the hell out of there. Jupiter is now making its way towards his 3rd conjunction with Pluto. The previous 2 conjunctions were April 4, June 30, and the third hit will be 12 November 2020.    

Jupiter Pluto is a combination that can have many manifestations, depending on the sign it is occurring in. In Capricorn we can see it via the huge Covid-19 bailouts, which seemed to have helped corporations / business more than the general population. The money thrown around by global governments is Jupiter size huge, but is it going to the people who need it most?   In Melbourne the first 2 conjunctions timed pretty well closely to the establishment and re-implement of state lockdowns (remembering Jupiter Pluto are in conjunction for a week either side of these dates).  The third hit will be just after the US Presidential election. Jupiter in Capricorn is just amplifying and expanding Capricorn significations such as Government, Control and things that Jupiter doesn’t enjoy.  

So, will Jupiter be turning direct do much? Not really, especially since his retrograde cycle is very well established as a part of his cycle. I wouldn’t put too much weight on the direct motion. This is a Jupiter whose hands are bound and is basically out of action until he leaves Capricorn. Post this third date night with Pluto, he makes his way to chase down Saturn. That is its own epic story … that will soon be told. xx

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Image: Grace Jones

Today Mars stands stationary in the sky, by tomorrow Mars makes his move to retrieve something that can’t be left behind, retrieve something that must be changed, altered or modified through his intense heat and pressure. Something must be re-sculpted and how this looks will be different and personal for each and every-one of us. The Mars retrograde is finally upon us. 

Mars will be hitting on the iron metal, stoking the fires, burning hot and bright in ways we aren’t especially used too. Strong desires and urges to completely change or modify things that are seeded in anger, frustration, fury or tiredness become obvious and in dire need of modification. The focus shifts to making constructive uses for our tools and learning how to master the tools we do have with more vigour, will and strength.

Mastery comes from learning from past mistakes and learning how to hold tools that have the potential for danger or harm, whist modifying and sculpting for constructive uses. Looking at what is really causing harm or damage, strongly underlays this Mars retrograde period, allowing you to use your tools more wisely.

Mars will be going back and reclaiming many things on many levels, but in-particular finishing off what was triggered from mid-February – March. Mars will be squaring and making contact with the things he ignited then when he transited Capricorn, a sign he has a firm footing in, thanks to his exaltation in Capricorn.

Mars retrogrades occur every two years and Mars retrograding in his ruling sign of Aries is especially rare. 1988 and 1941 were the last instances this astrological transit occurred in Aries.

The question now is, what is currently being re-sculpted or sharpened through the fire and fumes? What is having the rust removed from and asking for a full refurbishment? Where do hostilities lay? Where does your anger sit? What Weapons have become blunt? What tools are outdated? Where is a lack of energy or vitality sit within you? What is the source of any and all burn out?

Answers to these questions is where the steam of this Mars Retrograde is coming from and we have from now until November to work on our skills as craftspeople to mould and reshape whilst looking at our relationship with Mars, his dynamics and various manifestations.

For a sign by sign breakdown, look to the Marathon of Bravery link below.

Previous Mars Retrograde links from me :  Mars in Aries 2020 : A Marathon of Bravery & Fortitude and MARS RETROGRADE & MARS SQUARE SATURN 2020

For an incredibly in-depth round up Astrologer Gray Crawford also has a great article about this Mars Retrograde.

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Cindy Lauper – Photographer Unknown

Venus in Leo (7 September – 3 October)

 Venus makes her way out of the strong and choppy waters of Cancer on the 7th of September, after having a difficult time fending off both Mars and Saturn on two fronts at the end of her transit in Cancer. Leaving the late degrees of Cancer brings much relief to Venus as she enters a fire sign for the first time since she transited Aries (8th February – 6th March).

Venus whilst not completely comfortable in fire signs, it is perhaps in Leo that she has her best expression of her fire self, thanks to its connection to creativity and performance and its connection to audience and bringing people together. Venus in Leo is never shy about expressing her creativity and being seen, making it the opposite quality of the last 4 weeks with her time in Cancer.  Finally, the extroverts have their astrology back!

Venus in Leo is social, she is loud, she is not afraid of getting attention or the spotlight, all activities or social events involving performance, creativity, children or individuation is super supported right now. Not bad timing as we begin to crawl out of our homes post winter and make our way towards the Spring Equinox. For those in the Northern Hemisphere, Venus in Leo pulls together for the last of the Summer flings and soirees making it one to remember and enjoy. 

Venus in Leo also further extends the lessons we gained from her retrograde phase in Gemini allowing us to leave the dust and remanence of that time in far in the background; accelerating forwards. This allows greater distance after an almost painstaking integration and realisations. New relationships are forming, under new terms and conditions, allowing greater cohesion and more connections with things and people whose values are more aligned with yours.

Venus is leaning into extrovert extremes in Leo allowing and encouraging all the pleasures ensue! It’s also the perfect time for ANY form of glamourous maintenance or presentation, for Venus in Leo, appearance and putting your best foot forward is EVERYTHING.  Venus in Leo sure knows how to attract a crowd and be seen !

Enjoy xx


Aries / Aries Rising

I am fully supported and seen in all forms of creative expression.

Taurus / Taurus Rising

My home is my stage for fearless glamour and luxurious pleasures.  

Gemini / Gemini Rising

My schedule and local neighbourhood is a source of joy and creative physical expression. 

Cancer / Cancer Rising

Only I command my self-worth and value, and it’s time to be seen.

Leo / Leo Rising

I am the Empress, perfect timing for any and all makeovers, and people noticing my magnetism.

Virgo / Virgo Rising

I show courage and grace as I tend to the internal fires that inspire. 

Libra / Libra Rising

My hopes and dreams get a full makeover and I exude glamour at all social engagements.

Scorpio / Scorpio Rising

I am not afraid to stoke the fire of magnetic leadership and being seen for it.

Sagittarius / Sagittarius Rising

I present and engage with all my lesson’s both fearlessly and with magnetism and charm.  

Capricorn / Capricorn Rising

I hustle and draw in all the resources I need to make my dreams happen.

Aquarius / Aquarius Rising

I am not afraid to delve into my magnetic quality when I socialize and enjoy the repport and connection. 

Pisces / Pisces Rising

My health and wellness is a place of fun and leadership, setting the pace for joy and pleasure to ensue.


Image: Alasdair Mclellan

Today’s Full Moon at 10 ° Pisces a lovely distraction from the ongoing Cardinal Crush, of which Venus has now been drawn into thanks to her current square and opposition to Mars and Saturn. The Full Moon helps us as it is off axis and away from the constant difficulties that occur when Luna or any other planets traverses any of the cardinal signs of Libra, Capricorn, Cancer, and Aries.

The Moon’s function at the Full Moon is to reflect and embody what is reflected to her, when she is full Luna is at her greatest capacity to reflect and draw down on what she is receiving. Since Venus and Jupiter are now caught up with the rough baggage involved with Mars and Saturn it’s the Full Moon in Pisces that gives us the greatest ability to find comfort and nourishment amongst all the tension that currently surrounds us. Venus who is usually looked to for additional support, is feeling the pinch in her current position, meaning emotions may run high for become unblocked with the Full Moon, helping to unblock any pent up or difficult feelings.

The Full Moon also makes a gentle sextile to Uranus who retrograding at 10° of Taurus and is also a sign that the Moon finds its exaltation.  This gentle sextile to a planet which is known for its innovations, break-thoughts and rebellious qualities gives opportunity for the Moon to present a surprising break-through with regards to food or emotional self-care. Sextiles are aspects that give a nice little opportunity without breakdown the doors of realisation like the current Venus Saturn Mars aspects. Uranus being retrograde also indicates these innovations may come through reflection or re-assements around emotions, wellbeing, food and body health and awareness, giving a nice undercurrent to the harsher cycles which are also currently at play.

Once the Full Moon has been completed and Luna wanders through the rest of Pisces it is there, she meets up with Neptune at 19° Pisces who is opposite the winged messenger Mercury or Hermes at 23° Virgo. Mercury and Neptune opposing is amazing for creative communications, communication through dreams or other forms of communication with or through the ethers.

All this is offering a much-needed reprieve and opportunity to distract from the other affairs that are dominating the current skyscapes. The Full Moon is an opportunity for reprieve, gentle insights with the potential for great emotional release to help cleanse and clear any emotional baggage, which we have slowly been collecting and building up through 2020.

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